Happy 4th of July

We had another good July 4th barbecue over at Pinehurst. Mother Nature decided to give us a little pre-show with some wind and hail. We all made it through unscathed. It did make for some dramatic atmospherics. A little ice and fog just before sunset set the stage for the fireworks that followed. We had to dodge some rain once the fireworks started but we managed to stay relatively dry and had a great time to boot. Thanks Nana and Pappy for hosting again.

Happy New Year

Had a lovely Christmas and New Year. We had the opportunity to visit the extended family at Uncle Bo’s house where we enjoyed some awesome Bloody Marys (with exceptional garnish options – olive, cheese and bacon, and celery for tradition’s sake).

All of the cousins were there as well as a few of the animals. Santa Gus was even able to make an appearance (pictured at right with Nana and Pappy).

Gus has recently adopted a new little brother who is very cute. I’ll tease a future blog entry by saying I follow up with the new doggy name an pictures in a future post.

Good having the kids home for skiing, eating and general revelry.

Breckenridge Birthday Fun

Spent some good time in Breck to celebrate Lindsay’s birthday with some of her friends. She got a chance to have a little slumber party with fondue, some hiking and picture taking, and experiencing an escape room. All in all, I’m told is was a good birthday.

Jen and I got to do a little walking around and taking some wildflower pictures of our own. Always a good vibe, and restful place to go.

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Snow Day!

Duke 2009
Snow up to Duke’s Back

The snow is still coming down!

So far, I would guess just under 2 feet of it. The snow is almost to the top of Duke’s back as he romps through it.

The kids have had school canceled for the last 2 days and are loving it.

Jen actually had to go into work yesterday but they let her come home early and canceled all of the appointments for today. So… everyone home today.

The kids are playing outside with the rest of the neighborhood and I have been busy shoveling. I’m sure I have a couple of more shoveling sessions before this evening. It’s good for burning off some of those beer calories.

I think tonight will be a good night for some warm dinner and a fire. We are all expected back at work/school tomorrow.

The LAX Outing

Lax Jam and Outlaws Game

Con, Cam and I spent the day at Mile High Stadium at the Outlaws “Mini Lax Jam”.

Con splitting the “D”

It was fun. Even the parents got to play a little ‘mini lax’. Connor and some of his lacrosse team buddies, Sawyer and Russel entered the jam as a team called, Panthers CRS (Connor, Russel, Sawyer). They had a great time playing on the same field as the professionals use (Outlaws for lacrosse and Broncos for football).

We ended the evening with some thunder showers and then professional lacrosse. The Outlaws played the Long Island Lizards. The Lizards can boast a few Duke Lacrosse players, Zach Greer, Matt Zash and Matt Danowski – who the boys idolize. We even met Danowski, who spotted Cam wearing his #40 Duke college jersey. He loved it. He called out to Cam, “Nice jersey” and walked over and gave Cam some knuckles. Cam and Con both were all smiles…