Quarantine Day humina, humina, humina

Between work from home, knee rehab and animal hijinks, quarantine has been pretty busy. I’m a happy boy.

Cam managed to time a tib/fib fracture perfectly with the start of the virus mania. He did it in Crested Butte during a Big Mountain competition where he was skiing with his CU team. He was having a great run right up until he wasn’t. Ouch! He got operated on in Gunnison, CO that evening, added some neat hardware to his knee and was able to exit the hospital just as the first Covid patient was being admitted into the wing where he was staying.

That was March 9, 2020. Cam thought he’d get to sit on the couch, convalesce, and watch some college hoops. Whoops. Soon after came the closing of the ski areas, stay at home orders, no toilet paper, the whole shebang.

The true upside is Jen and I are still working. We were working from home before so that was not a big change for us in that respect. But, everyone else being home, all the time has been an adjustment. All the animals really like having everyone home. Not sure how they will take it when we have to leave them alone for more than a couple of hours.

Hope everyone else is well and staying safe. I plan on some inappropriately long hugs and (non) social distancing once this thing passes. Beware. See you soon.

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