Visits and Birthdays

April 11, 2011:

A visit from the Kurths, a visit from Granny and Papa and Connor’s birthday – a busy couple of months since I last posted. Allan, Andrew and Alex made it out to ski for a few days this spring and we all had a good time. The conditions were variable to say the least but we all had fun skiing with each other. We were even able to make it down the Whale’s Tail in a near white out. The nicest day, of course, came on the day the Kurths left. Some video of the day is here.

Granny and Papa cam out for a short visit with the family and we all had a good time as well. We had a chance to see a lacrosse game, do some shopping, and play a rousing game of poker. Beware Cam. He is a shark. He was down to almost nothing and ended up cleaning us all out in the end.

Finally, Con had a good birthday. He had one of his buddies over for a night of movies and horsing around and was able to sample a couple of birthday cakes. With some of the money he received, he was very pleased with himself over the purchase of a new longboard and helmet… smiles from ear to ear.

Lacrosse season has started with a vengeance. Looking forward to some fast action from the Mahoneys.

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